
August 01, 2009

perfect condition

there's no such things called " perfect condition".
i've read it from evita's blog, and i realize it.

every choices have their own consequences.
i can't pleased everyone. somene maybe getting hurt, but once again there's always consequences among steps that you'll take.

all you have to do is praying, hoping that everything will be alright, do your best in every steps, and try not to repeat similar mistakes like the past.

there will always be lossess, and losses did hurt.
however, life must go on, right?
we just can't get everything we want in life.
we have to pick one.

there's no such things called "right choices".
we choose, and what to make it right is what we will complete it in future,

i'll choose...


  1. Wiz u made the best choice with the lowest risk ;)

  2. yup2,setuju bu..
    ndak ad istilah win-win solution
    yg penting berani memilih dan berani bertanggung jawab. salah,wajar, yg ndak wajar itu mengulangi kesalahan. :-)

  3. iya..

    berani memilih..
    tanpa lari dari kenyataan yang harusnya dihadapi ya???

  4. bismillah dulu Na..
    percaya deh, semua akan berjalan menyenangkan..
    jgn lupa bersyukur, itu yang ga pernah lupa aku ingetin sm kmu dari dulu kan?

    aku di belakang kmu, Insya Allah support kmu, sbg sahabat & kakak..

    Cayoo Na..!!!

  5. well,,
    perfect condition for me is when i have clearing up every problems, have food or lunch, have bathed, and ready to online in neat room...

    and out there is falling rain..


  6. try not to repeat similar mistakes like the past.

    iya bener banget bu..:-)
    kesalahan adalah pelajaran yang berharga ketika kita tidak mengulanginya lagi yaa...

    ciao buat setiap pilihannya buw..:-)
    semoga selalu dimudahkan Allah..aminn
