
March 22, 2010


Here I am. Jobless. Do you believe that we have to adapt from multiple kinds of business to none to do? Maybe, you'll imagine a free and enjoyable day, where you can spend beautiful day with a lot daydreaming and heavy sleeping. Oh, yes, I was pleased to say that I already had this day. But, somehow, you'll feel kinda boring, isn't it?

So, I think, what should I do next? Should I open my past dreams, and think to reach them? It's kinda hard, tough, feels like opening Pandora box, full of regrets, and trashes. when I decided to open it, there were many sorry in my heart, regret why I didn't do it long time ago.

And, still after having quarter century of life, I was anxious of my decision. What do exactly I want, whether it's all my opinion, or affected by someone else. Can you imagine, that even I'm hardly trusting myself? It's real crisis, I think. I am here, no one can help but me. It's the time, when i must be mature, i couldn't whim to my mom, like I always do.

So, I say to myself, be brave! you have nothing to lose, and this is your life. whatever your parents said, the decision is all yours, and none should affect it. I was into my greatest fear, being failed people. But, nothing bad being failed, if it was first step to our success, right?

I am going to take some scholarships. I am interested to continue my master. Why not? Learning is process, and we do it during our life. I am still young, and there are a lot things to learn. I must search scholarship, cause I don't think I could afford the tuition fee, but I'll try to pursue it. You live your life once time, it's not wise if you're not bold to take a different step in your life. Changes are needed, and I'd like to do it. There's nothing impossible, if you have an ambition!! Rrrr.. am I sounds like a motivator or something??

No, I just try to tell you what I feel. Everyone, let us pursue or dream!! :)


  1. Aloha.... It was suprising me trully.. But I know it`s the best choice for you and just follow your heart,sist.. I`m proud of you having a courage to decide thing that people think really out of the box. But it ain`t about money but the happiness that we have to reach and you done for that.
    I think the most important thing now is taking your times back and have a little (much is even better until you ready for the next step) time to enjoy everything. The scholarship, sounds great and that`s also my dreaming. Just go for a head,sist...
    Join the scholarship`s milist, it`s so much helping. The indonesia university often hold the scholarship exhibition...
    Hope you`ll get one soon,darl... see ya

  2. Dear Dela...
    moga setelah ini kamu bisa meraih semua impian2mu yaaa...

    Ga ada salahnya mengambil jeda buat berpikir mau dibawa kemana arah hidup kita...

    Kan, setelah 1 pintu rejeki tertutup, pintu yg lain akan dibukaNya :)

  3. Sometime being jobless is a good time to renew yourself. I hope you will get the scholarship for a brighter edu!

  4. salam kenal mbak dela
    smoga impian/mmpi bisa diraih ya
    sukses dela

  5. Guys,

    Support The Earth Hour, by turning off all the electricity for an hour on Saturday, March 27'th 2010, 8.30 pm.

    Dukung The Earth Hour, dengan mematikan semua lampu dan listrik selama 1 jam, pada hari Sabtu, 27 Maret 2010 mulai dari jam 20.30 malam.

    This is the least we can do....

    Love the Earth...


  6. seneng buat semua yang support!
    thanks dear, you help me much.. :)

  7. ngambil keputusan dan langkah pertama itu yg kadang menakutkan..

    semangat terus ya!

  8. smoga smua impian kamu tercapai ya...

  9. Hmmm... good luck 4 ur scholarships! ^_^

  10. well, setidaknya mau mengambil keputusan menunjukkan kedewasaanmu

    bukan kekanak-kanakan, tapi kamu mau menunjukkan apa yang diri kamu mau dari dalam hati, that's the best choice.

    heheheh good luck dengan pilihanmu yah :D

    salam merdeka unyil kucing
