
October 28, 2008

Short Update : Black is Better

Tau situs Blackle???
search engine kayak Google gitu, tapi versi saving energy-nya..
alo kita pake Blackle, kita bisa liat di start pagenya berapa watt energi yang kita simpan, dan itu sangat membantu bumi lho!

nah udah lama gw tau tentang situs blackle ini, trus kemaren pas lagi blogwalking, ga sengaja baca sebuah blog yang nyebutin kalo website hitam itu lebih hemat energi! Warna hitam di layar komputer membutuhkan 59 Watt, sedangkan warna putih ato terang membutuhkan 74 Watt!

akhirnya gw ganti deh template halaman blogspot gw..yah, mudah2an aja ga ada yang komplain. gw uda berusaha agar tulisannya tetep kebaca kok..

lastly, mungkin dengan hal - hal kecil seperti inilah kita bisa membantu bumi.

away from my topic today..
i've been missing some people today. cant say how much i miss them. teguh, my partner, he was missing cz business, really miss time we've spent together. i learned a lot from him, and i dunno, when will i ask him to explain some new and amazing thing which makes me feel stupid (damn, he's so smart! i really envy him). vega, i heard you're sick, and you know i had spent many times, reminding you to have some breakfast. but you always skip it! sri, i really enjoyed our Smallville-time..remember,huh? cant wait to hear your noisy voice!
last semester in my college, i didnt have many times for hanging out with them, i seldom meet them, sorry i cant mentioned all of u, just be sure, ure more than writings in this blog. i love u more than that..


  1. masa sih.. wew aku malah baru tau.. hihhiihih

    lam kenal ya.. :P

  2. wah.bahasa kompinya enak, tuh ajarin dong.yg inggirs britis itu..ehehee..
    -salam persaHabatan-

    Yup !
